On-demand, digital course: Winning Your Custody Battle
Win custody of your children even when the odds are against you.
The parent with the most money and the best lawyer will win your custody battle.
✔ Even if they are addicted
✔ Even if they are abusive
✔ Even if you have a mountain of evidence
✔ Even if you are the best parent on the planet
Until now.
Winning your Custody Battle gives good parents a fighting chance. This on-demand digital course is a playbook for how to beat the odds – arming you with all the information you need to fight like hell for your children.
Lawyers are increasingly recommending Winning Your Custody Battle and encouraging their clients to work with me because they recognize the reality: most lawyers simply don’t have the time or resources to fully educate you about the complexities of family court or ensure you're navigating the process with precision.
This course is designed to bridge that gap, giving you the critical insights, strategies, and tools you need to confidently manage your case and avoid common missteps. You'll learn how to:
- Navigate the family court system with clarity and purpose.
- Present yourself as a credible, well-prepared parent in the eyes of the court.
- Understand and counter the tactics your ex may use.
- Make informed decisions that keep your case on track and in your favor.
Family court is ridden with landmines, but with Winning Your Custody Battle, you'll gain the knowledge and confidence to take control of your journey. Don't leave your case to chance or blindly trust your lawyer—join the growing number of clients who are reclaiming their voice and fighting for their children with the right tools and support.
This is the hardest moment of your life. It’s going to be an excruciating battle, but you have to try. Your kids are worth it. Cry, complain, scream about how unfair this all is – but then use all that energy to fight.
Winning Your Custody Battle is for good parents like you.
✔ Mothers and fathers currently facing or about to engage in a custody battle.
✔ Parents who need to win custody for the well-being of their children.
✔ Individuals who unexpectedly find themselves in a custody battle and need to defend against false allegations.
✔ Anyone who needs to manage attorney’s fees, which can reach $100,000, $200,000, or more
✔ Parents who plan to hire a lawyer or fight on their own (although hiring an attorney is recommended)
Winning your Custody Battle will take you from terrified, frozen, and ineffective to strong and strategic.
Together, we'll answer these questions:
✔ How can I win if my Judge or state always gives 50 50?
✔ How do I fight when my ex has more money?
✔ What if I don't have any evidence, do I have a shot?
✔ How do I make sure I pick the winning lawyer? How do I know if I should fire my lawyer?
✔ How do I win the Judge? What if my Judge hates moms/dads?
✔ What evidence can I use?
✔ How do I document my story and come up with the winning strategy?
✔ How do I keep my lawyer focused on winning? How do I avoid the common pitfalls of overworked lawyers?
✔ How do I avoid claims of alienation WHILE keeping my kids safe and not hurting my case?
✔ What do I do when I just can't do this one more day?
✔ How do I make sure I have the winning strategy?
✔ How should I testify? How can I dominate cross-examination?
✔ How do I get my ex to drop this all together? What if they are a narcissist?
✔ How do I prove my ex is lying?
✔ What happens when no one believes me and everyone (GAL, social worker, supervisor, Judge, etc.) is on my ex's side? What then?
And more!
15 video lessons giving you a comprehensive guide to winning
Templates for your Marital History, Financials and more
90-page workbook that guides you along your journey to winning and keeping your attorney in check and the fees reasonable
Prompts and exercises to help you save thousands and fight the smart way
Email support from Ruthie about your specific situation
Exclusive access to Winning Your Custody Battle Community
Winning Your Custody Battle
Course Investment: $1997 $1497
✨Use code TRUTHHURTS for $500 off ✨
Not only will you feel confident you are doing everything in your power to win, but here’s how much you’ll SAVE when you invest in Winning Your Custody Battle:
$100,000+: Potentially avoid a drawn-out custody battle all-together with some negotiation strategies
$15,000+: Respond to all motions with exactly (facts, evidence, citations) what your lawyer needs
$10,000+: Know how to pick your battles that will impact custody and only let your lawyer fight the important ones
$5,000+: Learn all about the legal process, what to expect, what to avoid so you don’t have to pay your lawyer by the hour to teach you
$3500+: Do the research for your lawyer
$3,000+: Organize all your financials for Court
$1,500+: Write out your marital history and avoid using your lawyer’s time
$1,000+: Only work with your lawyer for an hour instead of 3+ on your testimony
$1000+: Understand what you can and can’t say in court – and practice for a friend
Not losing your mind and staying mentally strong during your custody battle: PRICELESS :)
What parents are saying:
"I learned more in the last 3 hours of watching your videos than I have in a year and over 100,000 in legal fees. You are doing God's work."
"I'm two lessons in and Winning your Custody Battle has already paid for itself with how much this has helped me!" —Mother of 1 in Wisconsin
“Winning your Custody Battle came too late for me. I spent over $300,000 in lawyer fees and still my ex has more time with my kids than I do. I made so many mistakes that Ruthie talks about – I hired a lawyer who wasn’t good in the courtroom, I bombed my testimony, I let my ex hijack the case with a better story. Even though he lied and lied and lied, I didn’t know how to prove it. My lawyer was really no help. It still haunts me that I spent more than 3 years of my life fighting and my four kids spend more time with their alcoholic dad. Do yourself a favor and invest in this course. It could change everything.” —Mother of 4 in Georgia
"I would do anything to go back in time and have this course. I wasted $50,000 and the information my lawyer gave me was no where near what Ruthie offers. There is so much that can go wrong in custody cases, and this course covers all the bases." —Father of 3 in Tennessee
"Ruthie, it worked! The Judge sided with me. I won." —Father of 3 in Tennessee
"Think of this course as a complete picture of how to win your custody battle plus you get Ruthie to hold your hand through it all. Her lesson on what to do when you feel like you can't go on marked a turning point in my life. If you feel alone in your custody battle, you won't if you take this course. Ruthie's encouragement in every lesson was a God-send." — Mother of 5 in California
"Worth every penny! Highly, highly recommend." — Dad of 2 in New York
"I have now watched all the lessons twice. There is so much information here, I'd venture to say it's worth double or triple what I paid." — Dad of 3 in Chicago
Save My SpotMoney-back guarantee
Listen, I get it. You are probably drowning in legal fees, a stay-at-home parent with no access to money, or barely hanging on financially. The last thing you need is to spend more money.
Financial restrictions is one of the primary reasons I quit my corporate job and put this course together. Because I believe ALL parents deserve a chance to fight for their kids. This course is going to save you a ridiculous amount of money in legal fees, I promise you that. I realize it's expensive, but I was told by two legal advisors to charge $4,000 for the amount of information I'm giving. Also, with the course you get email support from me, so I wanted to make sure to be very responsive to each of you.
I'm 100% confident that this course will be worth your time and money, that I'm now offering a money-back guarantee. If you aren't satisfied with the course (and complete it and show your work), let me know and I'll refund your money. I don't want to do anything other than offer you a lifeline during this brutal fight with your ex.